Current Network members are listed below.
Please get in touch with Simon McCabe (simon.mccabe@stir.ac.uk) or Leonhard Lades (leonhard.lades@ucd.ie) if you would like to join the Network.
Craig Anderson (Stirling)
Martina Barjaková (Milan)
Finbarr Brereton (UCD)
Danny Campbell (Stirling)
Páraic Carroll (UCD)
Marius Claudy (UCD)
David Comerford (Stirling)
Liam Delaney (LSE)
Vessela Daskalova (UCD)
Philip Ebert (Stirling)
Matteo Galizzi (LSE)
Diego Garaialde (UCD)
Ge Ge (Oslo / UCD)
Emma Howard (TUD)
Orla Kelly (UCD)
Christian Krekel (LSE)
Dario Krpan (LSE)
Leonhard K. Lades (UCD)
Kate Laffan (LSE)
Pete Lunn (ESRI)
Lucie Martin (UCD)
Tensay Melles (ESRI)
Mirko Moro (Stirling)
Stefan Müller (UCD)
Simon McCabe (Stirling)
Mirko Moro (Stirling)
Diane Pelly (UCD)
Madalina Radu (Stirling)
Lisa Ryan (UCD)
Jet Sanders (LSE)
Ganga Shreedhar (LSE)
Till Stowasser (Stirling)
Margaret Samahita (UCD)
Shane Timmons (ESRI)
Laura Taylor (UCD)
Taha Yasseri (UCD)