Welcome to the websites of the UK/Irish Behavioural Science Network!
This Network is founded by members of the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre and the UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group. We are thankful for funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. If you like to join the Network or get more information, please get in touch with Simon McCabe (simon.mccabe@stir.ac.uk) or Leonhard Lades (leonhard.lades@ucd.ie).
The aims of this Network are:
1. Connect behavioural scientists
With a view to increasing the relevance of behavioural science for policy making, this Network will facilitate collaborations on research projects, academic papers, and grant applications amongst its members.
2. Organise events
We will organise several events to communicate how behaviourally informed ideas can be used in public policy, industry and teaching.
3. Explore funding opportunities
We believe that an international doctoral training network for behavioural scientists would be of tremendous value to society in a time when behavioural science expertise, including theoretical knowledge, methodologies, and ethics, is becoming increasingly important. Please get in touch if you are interested in exploring this idea.