Thursday, 29th November 2018
UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy
The UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy is pleased to announce our PhD Student Conference in Behavioural Science for 2018 in collaboration with the Stirling University Management School. This continues successful annual events held at Dublin and Stirling. For information about last two year’s PhD conference click here and here. The PhD conference will be held at University College Dublin on November 29th and will be followed by the 11th annual Irish economics and psychology conference on November 30th. Attendees to the PhD conference on November 29th are also welcome to attend the November 30th workshop. To register for the event, click here.
The 2018 PhD Conference aims to give PhD students in Behavioural Science the opportunity to meet other researchers, to present their work, and get feedback from peers and researchers in the field. The PhD conference will deal with all areas of behavioural science (or behavioural economics, economic psychology, judgement and decision making, depending on your terminological preference). Speakers will present their research followed by a discussion. There will be no conference fee and a social dinner will be provided for attendees on the evening of November 29th. We look forward to welcoming you to Dublin. If you have questions, feel free to send an email to liam.delaney@ucd.ie
Programme of Events
Time | Event |
9.10 - 9.15 | Registration |
9.15 - 10.00 | Welcome Introductory Talk by Professor Liam Delaney and Dr Leonhard Lades |
10.00 - 10.30 | Coffee Break |
10.30 - 11.30 | Session 1 Session 1a: The Environment Dominika Czyz, Warsaw School of Economics: The social cost of carbon under habit formation and social concerns Vanja Medugorac, University College Dublin: Ownership and governance of electricity and water resources: does psychological ownership have any role? Session 1b: Risk Andreas Markoulakis, University of Kent: An experimental investigation of risk behavior of gains and losses: The effect of higher stakes and time delay Xuemin Zhu, University of Aberdeen, Health Economics Research Unit: The impact of life events on physicians’ risk attitude |
11.30 - 12.00 | Coffee Break |
12.00 - 13.00 | Session 2 Session 2a: Social Preferences Katarína Čellárová, Masaryk University: Why do bystanders choose not to intervene to stop bullying? A laboratory experiment Jonathan Yeo, University of Warwick: Social Identity and Incentives in Teams Session 2b: Nudging and Public Policy Bernardo Buarque, University College Dublin: Strengthening the case for nudging: The influence of a good default on subsequent self-control Nathaniel Maddix, Harvard: Indebted Savers: Focusing Illusions and Optimism Biases for Debt and Savings |
13.00 - 14.30 | Lunch Break and Networking Session |
14.30 - 15.30 | Session 3 Session 3a: Life Satisfaction and Well-Being Diane Pelly, University College Dublin: Evaluating Worker Well-Being Interventions Jean Roch Donsimoni, Johannes Gutenberg University-Mainz: Technological Progress and Subjective Well-Being Session 3b: Behavioural Microeconomics Johann Han, CINCH - Health Economics Research Center: Selection into moral hazard in experimental insurance markets Kenneth Devine, University College Dublin: Determinants of mortgage refinancing in a two-stage decision framework |
15.30 - 16.00 | Coffee Break |
16.00 - 17.00 | Session 4 Discrimination Lara Vomfell, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick: (Statistical) Discrimination in Stop and Search Karen Aruslamy, University College Dublin: Identifying taste and statistical discrimination against individuals with mental illness through a cooperation game |