New Thinking on Climate Change (Prof Andrew Oswald)

UCD School of Economics are hosting the first Walsh-Neary Lecture, which will be held annually as the flagship public lecture in honour of Brendan Walsh and Peter Neary, whose contributions have had a profound and lasting impact on the UCD School of Economics. This year’s lecture will be delivered by Andrew Oswald, Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science atthe University of Warwick on “New Thinking on Climate Change”. He will discuss how climate policies can/should be seen and designed as a behavioural science problem.

Everybody is welcome to attend. Please register here.

Time and Date: Wednesday, October 23rd at 4pm.

Place: UCD Village Auditorium

Registration: please register here

Title: “New Thinking on Climate Change”

Bio: Andrew Oswald is a Professor of Economics and Behavioural Science at the University of Warwick. He is also an honorary Senior Research Fellow in the Wellbeing Research Centre at Manchester Harris College, University of Oxford, and Chair of the IZA Network Advisory Panel at the IZA Institute in Bonn. His research is principally in applied economics and quantitative social science. It includes work on the empirical study of job satisfaction, human happiness, mental health, pain and the business cycle, and labour productivity. He serves on the board of editors of Science. Previously at Oxford and the London School of Economics, with spells as Lecturer, Princeton University (1983-4); De Walt Ankeny Professor of Economics, Dartmouth College (1989-91); Jacob Wertheim Fellow, Harvard University (2005); Visiting Fellow, Cornell University (2008); Research Director, IZA Bonn (2011-12); Visiting Fellow, University of Zurich (2016); Visiting Fellow, Yale University (2016). He is an ISI Highly-Cited Researcher.