We are hosting a Workshop on “Behavioural Science and Sustainable Food Consumption” that will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on Wednesday, October 26th, 1pm to 5pm. We are thankful for funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh and Environmental Policy at UCD.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together behavioural scientists who work on sustainable food consumption. The workshop will offer opportunities to present our research on the topic, to explore opportunities for future joint projects, and to reflect on the state of behavioural research in this area more generally.
This is a hybrid event that will take place on Zoom and in the Red Room of the UCD Student Center which is next to the UCD gym and pool.
For in-person participation, please register here: In-person registration link.
For Zoom-participation, please register here: Zoom registration link. A waiting room will be in operation.
13:00 – 13:15: Welcome (with tea and coffee)
13:15 – 13:45: Dr Deirdre Robertson (ESRI, Dublin) on “Do food labels influence consumer behaviour when an industry response changes market conditions?”
13:45 – 14:15: Dr Paolo Crosetto (INRAE, Grenoble) on “Labels vs incentives: testing nutritional policies in the lab”
14:15 – 14:45: Dr Sanchayan Banerjee (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on “Reflective policies to shift diet’s sustainably” (virtual)
14:45 – 15:00: Dr Leonhard Lades (UCD, Dublin) on “Ethical Considerations when using Behavioural Insights to Reduce People’s Meat Consumption”
15:00 – 15:30: Coffee
15:30 – 16:00: Dr Romain Espinosa (CIRED, France) on “Removing barriers to plant-based diets: assisting doctors with vegan patients.”
16:00 – 16:30: Dr Emma Howard (TU Dublin) Dr Kate Laffan (LSE, London) on “Social acceptance and perceptions of meat reducers and abstainers with different motivations.”
16:30 – end: Reflections by Dr Paul Lohmann (Cambridge), Prof Seda Erdem (University of Stirling), and others.
For questions, get in touch with leonhard.lades@ucd.ie