We are glad to announce that the 16th Annual Irish Conference on Economics and Psychology will be held on Thursday, December 14th, 2023 at the UCD Smurfit School on the UCD Blackrock Campus (directions here). The conference is organised by a team of researchers from the Marketing Subject Area at the UCD Smurfit School (which also hosts the UCD Behavioural Research Lab) and the UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group at the Geary Institute.
The purpose of the conference is to develop the links between Economics, Psychology, and cognate disciplines throughout Ireland and beyond. Most presentations will be relatively short to allow networking opportunities. This year’s conference will focus on the role of behavioural science for public policy and consumer behaviour.
This is a free event. Coffee/tea/snacks and lunch will be provided. We have a limited number of PhD student support bursaries (max €300) and you can apply for these when registering.

The first keynote address will be given by Lars Tummers, Professor of Public Administration and Organization Science at Utrecht University. Prof Tummers is one of the initiators of an interdisciplinary field combining psychology and public administration, called “Behavioral Public Administration”. He has published many papers of interest for this conference, including work on Nudge in the news, nudges that are effective and autonomy-preserving, and a seminal article on Behavioral Public Administration. His personal website is https://en.larstummers.com/.
Thanks so much for all participants!
The schedule was a follows:
13:20 – 14:00: Keynote by Prof Lars Tummers on “How to Manipulate Yourself & Others”
16:40 – 17:00: Emma Howard (TUDublin) on “‘Great expectations? How vegetarian meal requestors expect to be perceived, and the impact of mentioning diet or motivation when making the request'”
We are grateful to UCD Smurfit and a Networking Grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh for facilitating this event.
For more information about last years’ conferences, click the following links: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, and 2017.
The conference co-chairs are Suhas Vijayakumar and Leonhard Lades. The Scientific Committee members are Wooyun (Yuna) Yang, Marius Claudy, David DeFranza, Aiqing Ling and Vessela Daskalova.
For question, feel free to contact Leo at leonhard.lades@ucd.ie or Suhas at suhas.vijayakumar@ucd.ie.