
Behavioural Insights Team: Ethical, Professional and Historical Considerations


The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT) has led in the promotion and adoption of behavioural science research in public policy. This comment, by Liam Delaney of the Geary Institute (UCD), addresses a number of issues that must be faced by BIT and the wider behavioural public policy agenda as the field becomes institutionalised and normalised within public policy internationally, in particular issues of ethics and professional codes. As work in this area is increasingly conducted at scale, it is important to develop a framework for considering the ethical and practical implications of the application of behavioural science to policy. Liam Delaney's commentary [...]

Behavioural Insights Team: Ethical, Professional and Historical Considerations2018-10-15T14:23:49+00:00

2018 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science 


The UCD Geary Institute for Public Policy is pleased to announce our PhD Student Conference in Behavioural Science for 2018 in collaboration with the Stirling University Management School. This continues successful annual events held at Dublin and Stirling. For information about last two year's PhD conference see within. The PhD conference will be held at University College Dublin on November 29th and will be followed by the 11th annual Irish economics and psychology conference on November 30th. Attendees to the PhD conference on November 29th are also welcome to attend the November 30th workshop.

2018 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science 2018-10-03T14:50:22+00:00

11th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference


The 11th annual one day conference on Economics and Psychology will be held on November 30th in Dublin, jointly organised by researchers in ESRI and UCD. The purpose of these sessions is to develop the link between Economics, Psychology, and cognate disciplines throughout Ireland. A special theme of these events is the implications of behavioural economics for public policy. If you would like to present at this event please send a 200 word abstract to Liam.Delaney@ucd.ie before Friday 7th September.

11th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference2018-06-19T09:34:12+00:00

PhD Opportunities in our group on naturalistic monitoring


Our research group in UCD seeks to recruit PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in the area of behavioural economics. While we will consider applications across a wide range of areas, a particular focus of our work is on the development of naturalistic methods such as experience sampling and day reconstruction in behavioural economics to study real-world decision making. Those interested in conducting a PhD in this area should contact Liam Delaney at Liam.Delaney@ucd.ie. Postdoctoral funding opportunities are currently available through the Irish Research Council, and we also aim to advertise more posts during the upcoming year. Indicative projects are below but we [...]

PhD Opportunities in our group on naturalistic monitoring2018-03-31T22:28:15+00:00

Derville Rowland Talk at Geary Institute


Derville Rowland will speak on "Financial Conduct Regulation: Why Understanding Behaviour Matters.". The talk takes place on Wednesday 7th February at 930am in the UCD Geary Institute seminar room. The talk will be followed by a Q+A session ending at 1030am. Speaker Biography: Derville Rowland was appointed Director General (Financial Conduct) in the Central Bank of Ireland on 1 September 2017 and is responsible for consumer protection, securities and markets supervision, enforcement and policy and risk. Derville is a member of the European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA).Prior to this appointment, Derville was the Director of Enforcement in the Central Bank, [...]

Derville Rowland Talk at Geary Institute2018-03-31T22:17:26+00:00

Neil Stewart Talk


Speaker: Professor Neil Stewart  Venue: ESRI, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay, Dublin 2 Registration: There is no fee to attend this event but please register your attendance HERE. Seminar Topic Professor Stewart will discuss three papers on behavioural science with mass transaction data. Paper 1: Gathergood, J., Mahoney, N., Stewart, N., & Weber, J. (2017). How do individuals repay their debt? The balance-matching heuristic (available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=3000526) We study how individuals repay their debt using linked data on multiple credit cards from five major issuers. We find that individuals do not allocate repayments to the higher interest rate card, which would minimize [...]

Neil Stewart Talk2018-03-31T22:19:15+00:00

Kevin Volpp Seminar


HEPAC Seminar   Speaker: Professor Kevin Volpp, University of Pennsylvania,   Title: Behavioral Economics and Health   Venue: AMB_G065 (Psychology Building)   Time: December 7, 4.30 – 6.00 Kevin Volpp, University of Pennsylvania, is the Janet and John Haas President’s Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Medical Ethics and Policy at the Perelman School of Medicine and Health Care Management at the Wharton School. He is also the founding Director of the Center for Health Incentives and Behavioral Economics (CHIBE), Vice Chairman for Health Policy for the Department of Medical Ethics and Policy, and Director (with Karen Glanz) of the Penn CDC [...]

Kevin Volpp Seminar2018-03-31T22:23:49+00:00

2017 Update


Just a brief note of thanks for all the interactions in the first year of our new programme in Dublin. Our twitter feed and hashtag #ucdbsp gives a sense of the activity over the year. We have now got a very solid research team in UCD. We also funded our first major projects in this area, including the award of a highly competitive Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellowship to Michael Daly this year to join our group, and an EPA fellowship to Leonhard Lades to work with EnvEcon and our group on a collaborative project. We are glad also to welcome Till Weber as a research fellow and Sean Gill, Tadgh Heggarty, [...]

2017 Update2018-04-01T15:06:26+00:00

Assistant Professorships at UCD


Full details here - Several posts and hiring in all areas. Applications are invited for positions as Lecturer\Assistant Professor in the UCD School of Economics. Applicants must have an active research track record and be an effective communicator capable of excellence in teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Applications from all fields of Economics are welcomed though priority for one of the positions will be given to applicants with expertise in macroeconomics, financial economics or econometrics. Note: Representatives of the School of Economics will be available to meet with potential candidates at the ASSA Meetings in Philadelphia over January 5-7, 2018 and [...]

Assistant Professorships at UCD2018-03-31T22:26:40+00:00
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