
2 PhD Student Positions on Travel Behaviour Shift


Team members of the Behavioural Science and Policy Research Group are looking for 2 PhD students to work for 4 years on a fully funded NexSys project in the Work Package “Travel behaviour shift for short & first and last mile trips” on Travel Behaviour (1)  and Transport Policy Acceptance (2). A summary is below and a PDF with all details can be downloaded here: JobDescription_NexSys_PhDTravelLastMile. Aims: The Work Package will test the effectiveness and acceptability of behavioural interventions that target car users’ motivations to use low-to-zero emission modes specifically for short distance trips and/or change contextual determinants of [...]

2 PhD Student Positions on Travel Behaviour Shift2022-04-27T10:44:46+00:00

Workshop on Online Social Influence


We are happy to host the Workshop on Online Social Influence that will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on 16 June 2022 (Thursday). This workshop is organized by the UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group and the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre. We are thankful for funding from the Royal Society of Edinburgh. The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers from the behavioural sciences (economics, psychology, and cognate disciplines) to discuss new research and developments related to online social influence on beliefs, attitudes, and behaviour. This can include research on social norms, social conformity, social preferences, etc. in [...]

Workshop on Online Social Influence2023-01-13T16:30:41+00:00

14th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (December 14, 2021)


We are glad to announce that the 14th annual one day conference on Economics and Psychology will be held on December 14th, 2021 virtually on Zoom.The event will take place between 12pm and 5pm. The conference is jointly organised by the UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group located at the UCD Geary Institute, the ESRI Behavioural Research Unit, and the Department for Psychological and Behavioural Science at LSE.The purpose of these sessions is to develop the link between Economics, Psychology, and cognate disciplines throughout Ireland. A special theme of these events is the implications of behavioural economics for public policy. [...]

14th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (December 14, 2021)2021-12-13T16:22:38+00:00

Workshop on “The Role of Mental Health in Public Policy”


  On March 3 2021, the Behavioural Science and Policy group organized a virtual policy workshop on The Role of Mental Health in Public Policy . The goal of the workshop was to bring together academics and practitioners to discuss the  the implications of growing mental health issues on policy design in the areas of labour market, financial, education and health policies  the impact of public policy design itself on the mental health of individuals  the role of public policy to address inequalities that individuals with mental health issues experience Over 130 people registered for the online event, which was attended by [...]

Workshop on “The Role of Mental Health in Public Policy”2021-03-08T17:00:54+00:00

2020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science


The 2020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science will take place (virtually) on December 10th, 2020 at 1pm. Register for attending the conference here: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5ApdOipqzkiGNfKThxNZiUsxtyySAO0BfV6 After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The conference will be hosted by the Behavioural Science and Policy Group at the Geary Institute for Public Policy based in University College Dublin in collaboration with researchers from the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre. This continues successful annual events held at Stirling and Dublin. For information about previous PhD conferences click these links: 2015, 2017, 2018. We will use the Zoom [...]

2020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science2020-12-01T19:30:20+00:00

Workshop on “Behavioural Economics and Self-control”


The Behavioural Science and Policy Group is hosting a virtual "Mini-Workshop" on Behavioural Economics and Self-control November 4, 2pm - 4pm on Zoom. Participation is free but you'll have to register to participate. Register for this meeting by clicking here: https://ucd-ie.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0rd-yoqj8pHNawSntmlCJgMADA7HRX67rR After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. We will approve you manually to avoid Zoom bombers. Feel free to send questions to leonhard.lades@ucd.ie. The preliminary schedule is below: 14:00 - 14:05: Introduction 14:05 - 14:30: Dr Leonhard Lades on "Eliciting Future Bias" 14:30 - 14:55: Dr Margaret Samahita on "Pessimism and [...]

Workshop on “Behavioural Economics and Self-control”2020-10-27T19:42:01+00:00

13th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (December 11)


We are glad to announce that the 13th annual one day conference on Economics and Psychology will be held on December 11th, 2020 virtually on Zoom. The event will take place between 1pm and 5pm. The conference is jointly organised by the UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group, the ESRI Behavioural Research Unit, the Irish Behavioural Science Network, and the Department for Psychological and Behavioural Science at LSE. The purpose of these sessions is to develop the link between Economics, Psychology, and cognate disciplines throughout Ireland. A special theme of these events is the implications of behavioural economics for [...]

13th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (December 11)2020-12-01T19:35:12+00:00

Call for Papers: 2020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science and Policy


We are happy to announce that the 2020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science will take place (virtually) on December 10th, 2020. It will be hosted by the Behavioural Science and Policy Group at the Geary Institute for Public Policy based in University College Dublin in collaboration with researchers from the Stirling Behavioural Science Centre. This continues successful annual events held at Stirling and Dublin. For information about previous PhD conferences click these links: 2015, 2017, 2018. Please submit your abstract (up to 500 words) or your full manuscript by November 2nd, 2020 using this LINK. This year, we would [...]

Call for Papers: 2020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science and Policy2020-10-13T18:08:18+00:00

Workshop on Sludge


The UCD Behavioural Science and Policy Group will host a "Mini-Workshop" on Sludge (the evil cousin of nudge). It will take place on September 23, 2pm - 4pm on Zoom. We will distribute the Zoom link to UCD staff and students as well as members of the Irish/UK Behavioural Science Network. If you would like to participate as well, please send a message to leonhard.lades@ucd.ie. The preliminary schedule is below: 14:00 - 14:10: Introduction 14.10 - 14:30: Stuart Mills (LSE) on "Nudge/Sludge Symmetry" 14:30 - 14:50: Leonhard Lades (UCD) on "Sludge and Transaction Costs" 14:50 - 15:10: Janne Kalucza [...]

Workshop on Sludge2020-08-27T22:06:37+00:00

12th Annual Workshop


The 12th annual one day conference on Economics and Psychology will be held on November 29th in Dublin, jointly organised by researchers in ESRI and UCD. The purpose of these sessions is to develop the link between Economics, Psychology, and cognate disciplines throughout Ireland. A special theme of these events is the implications of behavioural economics for public policy. Registration to attend is free of charge. The event takes place in the seminar room of the Economic and Social Research Institute. To register for the workshop, please click here. Preliminary programme 8.50am to 9am: Registration and [...]

12th Annual Workshop2019-10-29T16:49:41+00:00
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