The Behavioural Science and Policy Events bring together researchers, students, and others from Ireland and beyond to talk to each other about using behavioural insights to improve policy making. Some events are organised by the UCD School of Economics.

Spring Events 2025

Wednesday, January 1513:00-13:50BSP Seminar with
Emma Howard (TU Dublin)
Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004)
Wednesday, February 1211:00-11:50BSP & Geary Seminar with
Claire Hill (Minnesota)
Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004)
Wednesday, February 1213:00-13:50BSP Seminar with
Deirdre Robertson (ESRI)
Quinn Q115
Tuesday, February 2513:00-13:50Geary Seminar with
Paul Smeets (Amsterdam)
Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004)
Wednesday, February 2615:00-16:00Economics Seminar with
Yan Chen (Michigan)
Newman F102
Thursday, February 2713:00-13:50Economics Seminar with
Melis Kartal (Vienna)
Newman D201
Wednesday, March 513:00-13:50BSP Seminar with
Vivek Nallur and Stephen Pilli (UCD Computer Science)
Quinn Q011
Wednesday, March 2613:00-13:50BSP Seminar with
Suhas Vijayakumar (UCD Smurfit)
Quinn Q011
Wednesday, April 913:00-13:50BSP Seminar with
Oscar Barrera-Rodríguez (UCD SPIRE)
Quinn Q115
Friday, April 1115:00-16:00Economics Seminar with
Thomas Buser (Amsterdam)
Newman Theatre P
Wednesday, April 30BSP ReCLAIM Workshop on
"Supporting a Positive
Research Culture in Experimentation"
Geary Institute Seminar Room (B003/B004)

Past Events

Autumn Events 2024

Fri, 4 Oct15:00-16:00Economics Seminar with
Demid Getik (Durham)
Newman Th. P
Wed, 23 Oct16:00-17:00Walsh-Neary lecture with
Andrew Oswald (Warwick)
UCD Village
Tue, 29 Oct13:00-14:00Geary Seminar with
Diego Marino Fages (Durham)
Geary Seminar Room
Fri, 8 Nov15:00-16:00Economics Seminar with
Hannah Schildberg-Hörisch (Düsseldorf)
Newman Th. P
Wed, 20 Nov13:00-13:50BSP Seminar with
Oscar Barrera-Rodríguez (UCD)
Quinn Q117
Fri, 22 Nov15:00-16:00Economics Seminar with
Dennie van Dolder (Essex)
Newman Th. P
Wed, 4 Dec13:00-14:00BSP Seminar with
Bob van Rugge (UCD)
Geary Seminar Room
Wed, 11 Dec09:00-17:0017th Annual Irish Economics,
Psychology, and Policy Conference

Autumn Events 2023

Wednesday, September 2013:00-14:00BSP Seminar with Till Weber (Newcastle) on "The Role of Payoff Parameters for Cooperation in the One-Shot Prisoner’s Dilemma" in Seminar Room C001
Wednesday, October 0413:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Eugenio Verrina (Department of Economics, Sciences Po Paris) in Seminar Room C001
Friday, October 0615:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Karine Van Der Straeten (Toulouse)
Tuesday, October 2416:30 - 17:30IBSPN Event with Erik Angner on "How Economics Can Save the World" (Stockholm) at TCD. More details here.
Wednesday, October 2514:00 - 15:00 UCD Econ & BSP Seminar with Erik Angner (Stockholm) in the UCD Sutherland School of Law Theatre L024 - Mason Hayes. More details here.
Wednesday, November 0113:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Diarmaid Ó Ceallaigh (ESRI) on "Measures of problem gambling, gambling behaviours and perceptions of gambling in Ireland"
Wednesday, November 0813:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Hamideh Mohtashami Borzadaran (Birmingham)
Wednesday, November 2218:00 - 19:30Behavioural Design For Good: Insights and Workshop @ the UCD Geary Institute
Thursday, December 1409:00 - 17:0016th Irish Economics and Psychology Conference (December 14, 2023) at the UCD Smurfit School

Spring Events 2023

Friday, January 2715:00-16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Marinella Leone (University of Pavia)
Wednesday, February 2213:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Angela Sutan (Burgundy School of Business)
Thursday, February 2315:00 - 16:00BSP Seminar with Linus Mattauch (Technical University of Berlin) co-hosted by UCD Environmental Policy
Thursday, March 0216:00 - 17:00 BSP Seminar with Claire Hill (University of Minnesota)
Friday, March 0315:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Emily Nix (University of Southern California)
Wednesday, March 0813:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Diogo Geraldes (UCD) on "An Experiment on Gender Representation in Majoritarian Bargaining"
Friday, March 3115:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Marta Serra-Garcia (University of California San Diego)
Wednesday, April 1913:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Carolyn Heinrich (Vanderbilt University)
Friday, April 2813:00 - 14:00UCD Economics Seminar with Ernesto Reuben (New York University Abu Dhabi)
Tuesday, May 3013:00 - 14:00Geary & Behavioural Science and Policy Seminar with Alex Galassi (New South Wales Behavioural Insights Unit, BIU) on "Sludge reduction: from research to application to improve the customer experience"
Monday and Tuesday, June 5/6
Monday 12pm to Tuesday 5pmWorkshop on “Behavioural Public Policy and Participatory Governance”

Autumn Events 2022

Friday, September 0215:00-16:00BSP Seminar with David Comerford (University of Stirling)
Wednesday, September 2116:00 - 17:00BSP Get together
Wednesday, September 2813:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Giuseppe Alessandro Veltri
Friday, September 3015:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Friederike Mengel (University of Essex)
Friday, October 0709:15 - 14:30Symposium on “Behaviour Change and the Future of Work”
Wednesday, October 2613:00 - 17:00"Workshop on “Behavioural Science and Sustainable Food Consumption”
Friday, October 2815:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Håkan Holm (Lund University)
Friday, November 0415:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Leonie Gerhards (King's College London)
Friday, November 1115:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Andy Brownback (University of Arkansas)
Wednesday, November 2313:00 - 14:00BSP Seminar with Natalia Montinari (University of Bologna) in the Economics Seminar Room D201
Wednesday, November 3015:00 - 16:00BSP Seminar with Daire McCoy (SEAI) on the Richview Campus in Studio 1 (first floor) of the Planning & Environmental Policy Building
Friday, December 0215:00 - 16:00UCD Economics Seminar with Leonardo Bursztyn (University of Chicago)
Friday, December 1609:00 - 17:0015th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (December 16, 2022) at the Technological University Dublin

Spring Events 2022

Wednesday, February 213:00 - 14:00David Comerford (Stirling) on "A field experiment to promote breastfeeding adherence"
Wednesday, February 913:00 - 14:00Shane Timmons (ESRI) on "Encouraging saving for financial shocks"
Wednesday, February 1613:00 - 14:00Simon McCabe (Stirling) on "Does signage encouraging people to take pride in the local area reduce littering?"
Friday, February 1815:00 - 16:00Economics seminar with Angela Sutan (Burgundy School of Business)
Wednesday, February 2313:00 - 14:00Sanchayan Banerjee (LSE) on "Can reflection on nudges promote climate citizenship? Evidence from a large online experiment in the UK"
Friday, February 2515:00 - 16:00Economics seminar with Miquel Miquel Pellicer (University of Marburg)
Wednesday, March 213:00 - 14:00Lea Barbett (Hagen) on "What about nature? A Systematic Approach to pro-nature conservation behaviours"
Wednesday, March 2313:00 - 14:00Juliane Hennecke (Magdeburg) on "Do you really want to share everything? – The Wellbeing of Work-Linked Couples"
Wednesday, March 3013:00 - 14:00Kieran Mohr (ESRI) on "An online diagnostic study of knowledge and attitudes about household waste management in Ireland"
Friday, April 0115:00 - 16:00Economics seminar with Eva Raiber (University of Aix-Marseille)
Wednesday, April 6, 202213:00 - 14:00Marianna Baggio and Ginevra Marandola from the European Commission's Competence Centre on Behavioural Insights on "Employee's reaction to gender pay transparency: an online experiment"
Wednesday, April 13, 202213:00 - 14:00Suhas Vijayakumar (UCD) on "The Solitary Creator: How Solitude Helps Essence Retention and Increases Demand for a Creator’s Product” "
Friday, April 2215:00 - 16:00Economics seminar with Leonardo Bursztyn (University of Chicago)
Thursday, June 16Whole dayWorkshop of Online Social Influence (Keynote by Chris Roth)

Autumn Events 2021

Friday, October 115:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Willemien Kets, Oxford on "Organizational design: Culture and Incentives"
Wednesday, October 614:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Claes Ek, Gothenburg on "Norm-based feedback on household waste: Large-scale field experiments in two Swedish municipalities" (with Magnus Soederberg)
Friday, October 1515:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Lingqing Jiang, Essex
Wednesday, October 2014:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Margaret Samahita, UCD on "The Unintended Side Effects of Charity Regulation: Donors Penalize Administrative Burden Almost as Much as Overheads"
Wednesday, October 2714:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Emma Howard, TU Dublin on "Risk perception and vaccination nudges in the context of Covid 19"
Friday, November 515:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Johanna Mollerstrom, George Mason University
Thu & Fri, November 5-614:00 - 17:30 on both daysBSP Workshop on Environment, Well-being, and Behaviour with LSE. More details here
Wednesday, November 1014:00 - 15:00BSP/ENVPOL Seminar with Prof. Astrid Dannenberg, University of Kassel
Friday, November 1215:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Seda Ertaç, Koc University
Wednesday, November 1714:00 - 15:00BSP/ENVPOL Seminar with Dr Ewa Zawojska, University of Warsaw
Wednesday, November 2414:00 - 15:00BSP/ENVPOL Seminar with Dr Olga Poluektova, ESRI
Friday, December 315:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Lenka Fiala, Nova School of Business and Economics
Tuesday, December 1412:00 - 15:0014th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference (December 14, 2021).

Spring Events 2021

Wednesday, January 2014:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Jet Sanders (LSE) and Liam Delaney (LSE) on "Media representation of behavioural science in the UK during the pandemic"
Friday, January 2915:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Christina Rott (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
Wednesday, February 0314:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Kate Laffan (UCD) on "The greenest of green: Do Irish consumers prefer homegrown renewable electricity?" (co-organised with UCD Environmental Policy)
Wednesday, February 1014:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Taha Yasseri (UCD)
Friday, February 1915:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Dr Siri Isaksson (Norwegian School of Economics)
Wednesday, February 2414:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Pete Lunn (ESRI) on "Vaccines and Behaviour: Studies of our best Covid-19 defences"
Wednesday, March 0314:00 - 17:00BSP Workshop on "The role of mental health in public policy design"
Wednesday, March 2414:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Ganga Shreedhar (LSE) (co-organised with UCD Environmental Policy)
Friday, March 2615:00 - 16:00Economics Seminar with Prof. Markus Reisinger (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
Wednesday, March 3114:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Christian Krekel (LSE) on "Volunteering Improves Wellbeing: Evidence from a Nationwide Micro-Volunteering Programme"
Wednesday, April 0714:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Dr Till Stowasser (Stirling) on "Charmers vs Rounders: Rent price discontinuities in the German housing market"
Wednesday, April 1414:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Prof. Tobias Börger (HWR Berlin) on "The value of blue-space recreation and perceived water quality across Europe: A contingent behaviour study" (co-organised with UCD Environmental Policy)
Wednesday, April 2114:00 - 15:00BSP Seminar with Ivan Petrov (UCD) on "Paying More for Less in Energy Efficient Rental Properties" (co-organised with UCD Environmental Policy)
Friday, April 2316:00 - 17:00Economics Seminar with Dr Luba Petersen (Simon Fraser University)

Autumn Events 2020 (September to December)

Wednesday, September 2314:00 - 16:00Behavioural Science Workshop on Sludge (link)
Friday, October 0215:00 - 16:00Behavioral/Experimental Economics seminar organised by UCD Economics: Johannes Wohlfahrt (University of Copenhagen) on "Beliefs about the stock market and investment choices: Evidence from a field experiment"
Wednesday, October 0714:00 - 15:00Presentation by Brian Monroe (UCD) on "What We Learn from Trust Games"
Wednesday, October 1414:00 - 16:00Behavioural Science Workshop on Behavioural Energy Economics (link)
Friday, October 2315:00 - 16:00Behavioral/Experimental Economics seminar organised by UCD Economics
Wednesday, October 2814:00 - 15:00Presentation by Deirdre Robertson (ESRI)
Wednesday, November 0414:00 - 16:00Behavioural Science Workshop on Economics of Self-Control
Wednesday, November 1114:00 - 15:00Presentation by Margaret Samahita (UCD)
Wednesday, November 1814:00 - 15:00TBC
Thursday, November 2610:00 - 11:30Behavioral/Experimental Economics seminar organised by UCD Economics
Emil Temnyalov, University of Technology Sydney
Wednesday, December 0214:00 - 15:00Presentation by Stefan Muller (UCD)
Wednesday, December 0914:00 - 15:00Presentation by Vessela Daskalova (UCD)
Thursday, December 1013:00 - 17:002020 PhD Conference in Behavioural Science and Policy
Friday, December 1113:00 - 17:0013th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference

Autumn Events 2018 (June to December)

September 7th12pm-3pmGeary Institute Behavioural Science and Public Policy Annual Research Workshop. Keynote: Professor Wilhelm HofmannEventbrite
September 26th2pmMichael Daly (UCD and Stirling) "Self-Control and Health: Public Policy Implications"
October 3rd2pmKarl Purcell (SEAI): "Applying Behavioural Economics to Encourage Sustainable Energy Behaviours”
October 10th2pmShane Timmons (ESRI): "Behavioural Economics and Policy"
October 17th2pmÁine Regan (Teagasc): "Behavioural Science to support the Agri-Food Sector."
October 24th2pmClare Delargy (Behavioural Insights Team): "Using Behavioural Insights to Increase Social Capital"
October 31stFree Week
November 8th2pmBehavioural Seminar: Doris Laepple (NUIG): Behavioural Experiments in Agricultural Economics
November 14thFree Week
November 16th12pm-3pmWorkshop on Behavioural Science, Environment, and Well-being Contact
November 21st2pmLaura Smart (FCA) "Behavioural Economics and Financial Regulation"Eventbrite
November 29th9am-5pmAnnual European Behavioural Science PhD ConferenceEventbrite
November 30th9am-5pm11th Annual Economics and Psychology Conference Conference in Dublin jointly organised by researchers in ESRI and UCD. Keynote: Professor Wändi Bruine de BruinEventbrite
December 3rd12.30pm - 2pmProfessor Nicola Lacetera "Paying for Kidneys? A Randomized Survey and Choice Experiment"Eventbrite

Spring Events 2018 (January to June)

January 24th Anamaria Vrabie (The New School): “Behavioural Economics and Urban Design”.
January 31stCliona Kelly (UCD) “Behavioural Law and Economics”.
February 7thDerville Rowland, Director General, Financial Conduct at the Central Bank.
February 14thAisling Ní Chonaire: Lead Research Advisor, Behavioural Insights Team.
February 21stFaisal Naru (OECD): “Behavioural Economics and Public Policy”.
February 28thDoris Laepple (NUIG): “Behavioural Experiments in Agricultural Economics”.
March 7thCal Muckley (UCD): “National culture and banking operational risk”.
April 4thBen Elsner (UCD/IZA): “Rank and Peer Effects in Education”.
April 11thPaul Adams: “Behavioural Economics at the Financial Conduct Authority”.
April 18thDeirdre Robertson (ESRI): “Behavioural Economics and Regulation”.
June 5thAndrew Oswald (University of Warwick): “The mid-life crisis in Humans and other animals”.

Events 2017

September 8thLaunch of UCD Geary Institute Behavioural Science and Policy Group. Keynote Professor Peter John.
September 15thUCD/Stirling Workshop on Self-Control and Public Policy
September 27thSimon Rafferty (EPA) “Behavioural Economics and Environmental Policy” and Patricia Harris (HSA): “Reducing Work Accidents in Ireland”
October 4th Clare Delargy (BIT): “Behavioural Insights Team and Public Policy”.
October 11thAine Lyng and Ronan Murphy (NCCP): “Cancer Prevention”
October 13thProfessor Glenn Harrisson: “Behavioural Welfare Economics”.
October 18thCathal Fitzgerald (DETI): “Brexit and Firm Decision Making; Behavioural Economics of Innovation”.
October 18th Professor Till Grune-Yanoff: “Nudging and Boosting: Steering or Empowering Good Decisions”
October 25thTill Weber (Nottingham): “Experimental Methods and Behavioural Economics”.
November 1stLeonhard Lades (UCD and EnvEcon): “Naturalistic Monitoring of Human Preferences and Behaviour”.
November 8thMichael Daly (UCD and Stirling): “Self-control and Health”.
November 10thProfessor Cass Sunstein (Harvard)
November 15thOrla Doyle (UCD): “Behavioural Economics and Early Childhood Intervention”.
November 22ndKenneth Devine (Central Bank of Ireland): “Behavioural Economics and Financial Decision Making”.
November 29thKeith Walsh (Revenue): “Behavioural Economics and Tax Administration”.
November 30thAnnual PhD Conference in Behavioural Science
December 1st10th Annual Conference on Economics and Psychology